
Friday, July 17, 2009


I have a friend who receives messages from time to time from beyond. There are a couple of spirits, she tells me, who hang around her and deliver news, encouragements, and hints of the future. Just a little over a year ago, she began to receive messages from who she believes to be God.

It started when I lost my job and was hit with some very serious problems. I was very scared and anxious ( and still am) and despondent. She would come by where I was staying to keep me company, deliver messages from friends, and to pray with me. One day as I was silently asking God questions, she grabbed a pen and paper and started to write something down. I could see that she seemed to be listening to something and would write down a few words, then a few words more, and so on.

When she finished, she handed me the paper and said that she had received that message on my behalf and that it wasn't from her usual spirits. She said it was from God.

I really didn't know what to make of her assertion. My friend is not the joking sort, and neither is she one to make up stuff. After I read the message, I realized it was obviously a response to my questions, the ones I had been asking God just a few moments ago, questions she did not hear me say aloud. There was no way she had invented this response to make me feel better.

Because of this, and several other messages I've been given, I am convinced she hears the words of God. Why I am worthy of His attention, I have no idea, except to say that, ultimately, none of us are worthy of God's attention. We receive it anyway, though, by His grace, in His time, for His purpose.

I've posted a couple of the messages already here on the blog. It seems to me that His words shouldn't be hoarded by me, but should be read by anyone in need of encouragement. And here is another.

Be patient, My son, for I am always with you. I delivered you from evil. Find shelter in my arms; my embrace will protect you in times of desperation and despair. Seek only Me and I will show you a new way to find peace, joy, and love. Ask of Me what you will for it has already been granted.

Be calm, be still, and be quiet, and you will find Me in the sound of every breath you take and every beat of your heart. Don't you know, My son, we are one, and My love for you is much greater than the universe I created just for you.

So do not fear the unknown for it is already known to Me. Rejoice in Me as I rejoice in you!

The Word of God as delivered to me by a prophet