
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am so sorry. I had planned a post regarding the Republican-made controversy over President Obama's remarks regarding the mosque planned in the Ground Zero area. It was going to be one of my Republitard joke posts; however, I simply cannot get my mind to focus. I am starting to think that my depression is coming back again and that is what is interfering with my thoughts. I am also sleeping a great deal. In a 24 period, I realized today that I spend between 16-18 of those hours asleep and another couple of hours awake but still in bed. I am up and about very little these days.

Here are the pictures I had gathered for the post and some brief commentary:
People seem to have forgotten that the attack on September 11th were carried out by terrorists, not Muslim clerics.  It was an act of evil done by people who had twisted their religion into one of intolerance and hate; the terrorists should learn to be tolerant and loving as this young woman is demonstrating.

The mosque will be housed in an old Burlington Coat Factory. People are acting like it is going to be a shrine to bin Laden, which it most certainly is not.

I was disappointed to see the Republican hierarchy attacking President Obama over his remarks that private citizens using private funds have the right to build their community center. Freedom of religion is one of the fundamental rights upon which the country is founded; for one of our political parties to step all over that to garner clout amongst the ignorant is shameful.