
Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Am Your Friend

I am your friend. The Companion of the dreary ways of life.

I rob those ways of their grayness and horror. I transform them. Even in earthly friendships the common way, the steep way may seem a way to Heaven if the presence of some loved human friend transforms them.

Let the Sabbath calm enfold your mind and heart. Let it be a rest from the worry and fret of life.

Have you ever realized the wonder of the friendship you can have with Me? Have you ever thought what it means to be able to summon at will the God of the World?

Even with a privileged visitor to an earthly king there is the palace antechamber, and the time must be at the pleasure of the king.

But to My subjects I have given the right to enter into my Presence when they will, nay, more, they can summon Me to bedside, to workshop-and I am there.

When men seek to worship Me they think of the worlds I rule over, of creation, of mighty law and order-and then they feel the awe that precedes worship.

To you I say feel awe, feel the desire to worship Me in wondering amazement. But think too of the mighty, tender, humble condescension of my Friendship. Think of Me in the little things of everyday life.
The Words of God
Excerpt from God Calling
Edited by A.J. Russell

I must admit that I have been in a dark and lonesome place for the last couple of weeks. My health has been affected, my mood seriously dropping into an abyss, I've even lost a few pounds form not eating. In short, the depression has been hitting my mental shields very hard and they were rapidly failing.

That is, until I connected with one of my internet chat buddies. Now normally, our conversations are about nothing in particular. He talks about his life as an 18 year old surfer, swimmer, volleyball, baseball player while I make inane remarks to make him laugh. Today, though, our conversation went from watersport/scat pornography to the mysteries of God within a couple of Messenger paragraphs.

Now, as some of you may be aware, I have very strong beliefs about God though I never shove them down people's throats, nor do I bring them up to just anybody. I completely respect everyone's right to hold their own beliefs and to keep them private. However, I am fairly well versed in the Bible as well as in other supplemental books that are probably not condoned by any religion. Well, as I said, my conversation with my friend, James, got fairly serious about what we each thought God expected from each of us, about the nature of evil and the pitfalls it causes, and about faith.

My faith, of late, has taken a bit of a beating with all of the negative things happening and that have happened in my life the last year and a half. I think that is what has been weighing my thoughts down recently. Well, talking to this 18 year old who, it turns out, has a powerful faith, helped to drag some of those thoughts away from my mental/spiritual windows and let some light in. I told him that he was the wisest young man I've ever met. He responded that we all have wisdom of one sort or another.

After we logged off, I must say that I am feeling better than I have in weeks. I have a lightness in my heart and feel hopeful once again. You know, I was told once by my friend, the prophet, that God was going to bring people into my life who would help me follow a path of goodness, faith, and strength. Me being me, I nodded in acknowledgement but scoffed inwardly at her words. Well, it seems she was right.

Over the last few weeks, in particular, I've made good friends with Cody, my buddy who inspired The Psalm of Life post and who discussed God with me also, and now James. James in particular told me that he had never discussed those topics with anyone ever before, that almost no one knew of how strong his faith was, that he kept it private. And yet, here he and I were, talking about things neither of us share easily. And now, I am beginning to feel a buoyancy of hope in my soul and sense the possibility that my current difficulties will, indeed, be handled by God. There is also a lightness in my mind that has sadly been lacking for months.

God has wonders in store for each of us, I believe, blessings and love and guidance. We simply have to open the door for Him when he knocks and maintain faith.