
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Grief...

Needless to say, I have been a complete and total wreck all week. Meetings with lawyers, their inevitable request for more money (bloodsuckers), and surprising phone calls from friends past and present. If I had made a list of which friends/family members would/would not stand behind me, I would have been correct about 30% of the time.

I had meant to put up a very detailed post with asides and witty remarks, but I find I am simply too mentally and emotionally tired to do so. So, I will simply say, I do not have court on Monday after all.

The judge contacted my "Dream Team" and informed them that she was unable to handle the case right now, so she is resetting it. Though there is no concrete date yet, she was making noises that she would be moving it to November.

 Now, I would be lying if I said that I am unhappy about being put off again. And besides, maybe something good will transpire between now and then.

I shall keep you guys informed.

In the meantime, I am playing with some story ideas to place here on the blog.  Sine Logicum has been a dark and unpleasant place of late, and I think that needs to change.