
Monday, August 30, 2010

Ribbit ribbit!

I feel so bad!

I was an accomplice in the death of an innocent garden frog. Sigh...
WTH? Another flippin' frog trying to sneak in!

Let me explain. It was about 10:30 this morning and I was catching up on blogs and such when I heard my mom scream from her bedroom. I went to see what had happened, and she shouted at me that there was a frog in her bedroom. Now, this was strange in 2 ways. One is that my parents live next to an open field, so field mice, baby garden snakes (about an inch long) and bugs are frequent intruders. Frogs, however, are not. The second way this was strange is that in the 48 years they have lived here, this is only the second time a frog has made its way inside. The first time occurred...get this...yesterday! That's right, 2 frogs in 2 days. Or perhaps it was the same frog both times? I'm not sure.

With the first frog invasion, I was able to catch it and release it outside to go about his froggy business. Today, however, the frog was much livelier and managed to hide under a bookshelf. I had already been trying to herd him somewhere else and was getting frustrated, so I grabbed 2 glue traps (we keep them on hand because of the dang field mice) and placed them by the bookshelf. I figured if he wasn't going to come quietly, I'd just have to play rough.

By the time I washed my hands and sat down in the living room, I was already regretting my decision to use the glue traps. After all, once a critter is stuck in the glue, you can't get it off of the trap. To do so would probably rip off its little legs or something. So, I decided to pick the traps up off of the floor and resume my watch. I returned to my mom's bedroom and what so I see? The little frog struggling to free himself off of the glue! It was horrible. He struggled and struggled, but he only sank deeper into the glue. Then I saw him try to get purchase by pushing with its body, but then its head became stuck as well. Oh my God....

It was bad. And I felt/still feel completely guilty.

Poor froggy.   :-(